05 April 2005 | 9:46 a.m.

Tuesday morning ADD

Ah, another day, on the big computer. The �Caddy computer�, if you will. The one with the fancy flat screen and the windows XP. The bling, bling. Not that the other is bad or anything. I just really like this one.

Anyway, what a gorgeous day! The sun is shining, it�s supposed to be in the 60�s today and I have no kids this morning until after 11 am. I do believe me and my precious little cherubs might go for a little adventure shortly. Not too far into the woods though, the bears are waking up and this time of year they�re HUNGRY. And Mickey would be perfect bear food, like a slim jim for them.

Not that the chances are that great of seeing a bear, we�re not THAT far into the boonies, but Butthead saw one out back two years ago and I�ve been a little nervous about that ever since. To the point where I won�t put a bird feeder in the yard.

And I want a bird feeder. I want a nice big one that I can put bird seed and peanut butter and suet (or whatever that fatty looking shit is) on and get all kinds of birds on it. I totally dig birds, and we get a ton of them out here. Woodpeckers (big and little ones, in fact we had this one dumb motherfucker who pecked a bunch of holes into the side of the house last summer, and I would go out and ask him to leave nicely every stinkin� time I heard him, because as much as I wanted to throw rocks at him, I just couldn�t), hummingbirds, finches, turkey vultures (they don�t eat off bird feeders, I don�t think, but there�s a roost somewhere near here and we see them flying overhead a lot, they look like eagles, they�re ugly as hell but gorgeous in flight), hawks, you name it, we�ve got it.

Yeah, I�m going to be one of those bird watching old ladies. Totally. Planning vacations around where the cool birds are. And this is totally lame, I wasn�t even planning on writing about fucking birds but that�s what I ended up doing.

And now it occurs to me, since the time Butthead saw the bear in the woods was on one of his first days at school after he moved in with us, that he�s been with us for two years now. Hilda didn�t even make it six months, and she got the shit end of the deal. Oh well, she wanted to go live with her mom enough to start the shit she did with us, then she can reap what she sows.

OMG, how long have I had my cell phone? Three weeks, maybe? I�m going to kill Hub with the chirp chirp. He doesn�t even alert me anymore, just chirps and starts talking, like I�m always sitting on the phone. It�s recharging right now in the kitchen, and I�m in the living room, but he keeps chirping with stupid requests.

How�s this one, for example: A potential customer called the other day and I made an appointment with him for this AM. He lives in a town about 30 minutes away, so I took down directions. You have to understand how anal I am about directions. Mine are never unclear, and I�ve never taken bad directions. So these directions were simple. I thought. Hub took them with him when he left, then started chirping me about where he was going! Hello! You took the fucking directions with you! He must have chirped me four times due to that alone. Then he calls to say he�s going to have about three accounts in said town. Cool. Then he called to say something else stupid, and finally he called to ask me to get in touch with my dad to get in touch with Ned about work. Enough already!

Ned got sprung yesterday. I thought he was there until the beginning of May, but I guess not. Maybe he got good time or something. Whatever. How long will it take him to go back? Should I take bets? Seeing as one of the conditions of his sentence was to stay away from alcohol, I�m thinking it�ll be within the month.

Hub likes Ned to work for him because when he works, he works his ass off. Ned needs to have a job that pays on Friday, because if he gets paid any earlier in the week, he won�t be in again. Hub�s old boss, where Ned had worked briefly, paid on Tuesdays. Ned would disappear for Wednesday and Thursday every week. Hub and I have already agreed, payday is Friday.

As promised yesterday, pics of the new office:

It�s tiny. This is the best shot I could get. Impressive, though, ey? The pics on the desk are of work Hub has done. Oh yeah, and being that it�s (supposedly) MY office, it has candles, see, close up:

Beavis gave me that clock for Xmas a few years ago, and we finally found a place for it. And the pic behind the candle? Hub�s first waterfall. He made a way bigger one last summer. Anybody want a waterfall? That�s Hub�s favorite thing to do. The name of the business is based on that, too. But I can�t put it here. I suppose I need to be professional when mentioning the business, I don�t want to have to dooce myself for insubordination. This company�s policy on blogging: No real names and utilize your private entries!

Whenever we can fucking do that again.

Anyway, it�s too nice out, and I�m unburdened by other people�s kids at the moment, so I must take advantage!

Later days and better lays! (One of the crazy dudes I hung out with in high school used to say that all the time, and it just popped into my head).

Listening to: Fat Albert, "Gonna have a good time!". Cute movie.

Currently reading: "Switcheroo" Olivia Goldsmith. Read a few more chapters yesterday.

Thinking about: Could it really be? Is it spring? Is it really? Can I leave the house now?