10 May 2005 | 10:15 a.m.

"The universe tends to unfold as it should"

Stupid dland is eating my fucking comments, and it's irritataing the shit out of me. All my comments from yesterday disappeared, as did one from today. Or is it my machine? Whatever, I'm not deleting comments just so you know.

I just looked out the front window and saw a yellow finch and two cardinals within seconds of each other. That is some cool shit. And I know, I�m totally retarded, that I get my panties in a bunch when I see cool birds. But, hey, it makes me happy.

It also makes me happy that Andrea just called and her kids will not be here until after lunch, instead of early like usual on Tuesdays. Not that her kids are a problem, it�s just nice to have a *little* break.

And I have no intention on doing any work for the business what-so-fucking-ever. Fuck it. My head hurts. And I�m still pissed at Hub, who just doesn�t seem to be picking up on the fact that I�m so angry with him. I mean, you�d think he�d notice that I�ve barely spoken to him at all. Maybe he�s enjoying the silence. Enjoy it, you just keep going with that.

OMG, he came last night with a check, all proud of himself. For a job he�ll be starting next week. Still not done the other three, nobody has paid, and who�s to say they will! But really, am I going to use a down payment that needs to be put on brick for a walkway to pay payroll? I don�t know what the fuck is going through his stupid head. Dust and rocks. That�s about it.***I just looked at the check. It's made out to him and not the business. WTF? Can he fucking do anything right?

It�s supposed to be nice and warm today. I�m hoping to see the sun, too, cuz I really could use some, just to get me out of this pathetic funk. But it looks pretty grey right now. Damn. The down side to the sun is that it has a way of bringing all the asshole kids in the neighborhood over here. Oh, and guess what! Two of the good kids moved last weekend, and this week we'll be getting new neighbors with kids. I'm just going to assume that these folks will bring shitty kids with them, since the last three families that moved into the hood have brought shitty kids. Why break a trend?

This is pissing me off lately. Maybe you�ve heard about it, as the esteemed chief of police in New Ipswich (aka East Buttfuck) has been on CNN and shit. Gee, make me proud of my state, Motherfucker.

I won�t ignore the fact that, yes, the kid is in the country illegally. How to deal with that is up to the INS, if you ask me, and not up to the police chief in fucking Sketch-town. I picked that article because it shows the kid�s face, look at his face! It pisses me off that he wasn�t fucking doing anything wrong, he was heading home from work, his car broke down, and he got arrested on some bullshit charge of criminal trespass. Now, I�m thinking, if I were to be broken down on the side of the road in New Ipswich, would I get asked for ID? No, because I�m a white girl. But this kid, he�s got dark skin and so he gets targeted. WTF?

He pled guilty last week in district court. Poor kid doesn�t even know the language, has no criminal record, no interpreter, and he just pled. Fortunately, the Mexican consulate hired a lawyer specializing in immigration law to represent him, and he retracted his guilty plea.

It just pisses me off. I hate hearing people talk shit about immigrants and Hispanics and shit, when I see white pieces of shit everywhere, who don�t fucking work and suck off the system (The Douchebag, for example). Or worse. New Ipswich is one of those towns in western NH where the big drug dealers take up residence (the ones who are huge and never get caught). You should see some of the fucking shanty shack pieces of shit out there, and they gotta pick on this poor Mexican kid who made the mistake of driving through town on his way home from work.

My mother was an immigrant who had no fucking problem whatsoever getting into the country, nor was she ever given any shit for being an immigrant. Because she was white and she was from England. And she took a job as a nurse, and no one ever crabbed about her taking jobs away from Americans. But Hispanics come into the country and take the shit jobs that no one else does, paying into our tax system, and people get all bent out of shape about it. Why don�t you fucking go assemble some shit for $9 an hour?

Ignorance and racism just pisses me right the fuck off. I�ll admit, I do tend to love the differences in people due to their race or ethnic heritage, and I�ll generalize at times, but never seriously, and I hate, hate HATE ethnic slurs (ie; �spic�, �chink�, etc, you should see how I react when someone says that shit in front of my kids). I don�t know why I feel so strongly about it, but I think it was because of Sesame Street. I�m serious. I can�t think of any other influence on me in that regard. My dad�s not a racist, but he was raised in the 50�s and still holds some prejudices, I think. When I was a kid, when I�d go to one parent looking for another, they�d answer, �He/she ran away with a black man/woman�. I guess they were trying to be funny. When I was about ten and my dad had a black friend over, I about fell on the floor, I couldn�t believe it. I was so tickled to find out that yes, my dad was not in the KKK!


My newest pretend celebrity boyfriend . Ever since I saw him as Barry on �Freaks and Geeks�, I have had the hots for him. And I just love Goldstein, his character on �Harold & Kumar�. Not so crazy about the elf role, but what are you gonna do, right? What a cutie. Jackie could use a nice Jewish boy. Say, him, or Adam Yauch, or Smokey�s buddy from kung fu, who the more Smokey tells me about him, the more I�m like, �So, does he like married women?� What�s the Jewish term for someone that�s not Jewish? I forget. Anyway, this guy is a friggin playwright, for god�s sake. He spends his days smoking dope and drinking, and is currently making a movie. And he has all kinds of cash, owns property all over the country. And he�s single and not too bad looking. And my age. His other buddy from kung fu is a hot looking black guy with dreads, his job is to test video games all day. Imagine that. Again, I ask, where were these kinda guys when I was single? Oh yeah, in fucking Boston.

I�m all rambling now. I tried my best not to commiserate about Hub in today�s entry. For my own well being. I need to accept this shit for what it is in order to stop getting all riled up about it.

Anyway. I�m done. I�m out, yo!

Listening to: "She's Crafty" Beasties!

Currently reading: "Lost Boy Lost Girl" Peter Straub. I had to put the othe one down, it wasn't holding my attention.

Thinking about: The sun. Is that the sun? That shiny orb in the sky, that's the sun!