13 May 2005 | 9:27 a.m.

"You ever seen a grown man naked?"

(I just have to say that ever since I quoted line in my title this morning to my little Mickey, he says it a lot. It is so damn funny to hear him say it, and he's got it down pat, asking the little girls and everything. He kills me).

I have way too much to do this morning to write a big ranty entry, so how about some pics that I took yesterday?

Okay, first, I can�t believe I could capture this in a picture. The fresh, beautiful green of spring. This is what I love most about the months of May and June. After looking at yucky browns, and lots of white over the winter, this green makes me feel alive again. This is what gets my libido going like nothing else. It also got lots of fantasies going too. Me and the guy next door, Eric. Anyway, look at this:

Here�s something funny that grows out back, pot! We first discovered this stuff last year at my dad�s, who chose to let it grow instead of cutting it down. Then I came home, the same day, and found it growing in my back yard. I thought for a minute there that Ned was chucking pot seeds at both of our houses (even though he�s not much of a pot smoker anymore). But then Smokey told me, it�s not real pot. It�s kinda like �Fool�s Gold�, he said. Check it out:

This pic was taken when they all had caterpillars. And I realized, I�m nuts. That�s too damn many kids. And Colin is not even in this pic:

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This is Bobby, the Spawn of Satan. He kept �losing� his five bajillion caterpillars, only to discover that they were crawling on his clothes. I made him stay still while I took this pic, and it was torture for him.

That reminds me, I got to see Bobby�s dad for the first time yesterday. Holy exactly what I pictured, Batman. He was wearing Levi�s and a Ratt t-shirt, had a semi-mullet and a handlebar mustache. The exact opposite of Punk Daddy (Adam), Cindy�s dad, who looks like Sid Vicious and has better taste in music. Not that Ratt is bad or anything, at least, they were pretty good in 1984.

Anyway, the more I take pictures of Bailey, the more I think she may be retarded. Beautiful girl, but one beer short of a six pack.

Finally, when Beavis got home, I got him and Cornholio to take down the punching bag! Yey! He even put it in the trash!!!

Anyway, I have to go make trips to two banks, plus I have laundry to fold, work to do with the books, blah blah blah.


Oh goody. I read my newspaper just now and read this dandy article . Seems as though another police chief in my fine state wants to arrest illegal aliens for criminal trespass too, and did it yesterday. At least these guys were stopped for a reason. Anyway, this is my favorite quote from this police chief: �How do we separate illegal aliens from terrorists? Where do we draw the line?�. So many Mexican terrorists flying planes into buildings. Whatever. Anyway, my favorite part of this whole deal is, well, it takes place in the town I live in! WTF!

I really like being locked. I feel so free.

Listening to: "The Hand that feeds" NIN

Currently reading: "lost boy lost girl" Peter Straub

Thinking about: Ibuprofen. My head hurts again.