11 June 2005 | 11:53 a.m.

"The attitude dictates that you don't care whether she comes, stays, lays, or prays. I mean whatever happens, your toes are still tappin'. Now when you got that, then you have the attitude".

What a way to waste a morning! I�ll admit, the most I�ve done this morning is shower, get kids food, run the dishwasher and throw the bathtub mat (that stinks like mildew) in the washer. Watch out, I�m on a roll.

I�m devoting today to the pursuit of leisure. I pretty much do that everyday but it�s extra special when I don�t have other people�s kids here. I thought about giving the upstairs bathroom a good douching to totally get rid of the awful mildew stench (although I do believe that the bath mat was the prime offender in that category), but it�s humid. I hate the humidity. It�s not the heat, it�s the humidity. Anyway, I sweat enough in this weather just sitting still. Any kind of vigorous cleaning activity would have me drenched in sweat. Ew.

And what the fuck is up with my deodorant, man? Last year, I thought this shit was the second coming of Christ. Now it just sucks. I must make a trip to Bath & Body Works for some fabulous smelly lotion, so that when I sweat, I�ll smell more pretty than stinky.

Fascinating, I know.

Hub and I took out life insurance policies last night. He met a guy through his little Business Networking group who works for NY Life. I�ve been considering it for a few years now, ever since my grandmother passed away and left her kids some surprise life insurance money. Of course her kids were in their 50�s and 60�s then, but when she took the policy out, they were teenagers.

Anyway, long story short, we took out $500,000 policies on each other for the surprisingly low, low cost of roughly $85/month. Not bad. I also took out small ones on Minnie and Mickey, we�ll see if Mickey�s is approved. He should be, and if he is, it will guarantee his insurability later in life, too. The two of them? $30/month. Not bad, either.

Now. If I need cash, I just have to kill someone close. Hub being first choice. I kid, I kid.

Anyway. I never updated regarding Beavis�s girlfriend, did I? How could I have forgotten that? She broke up with him after a week of �going out�. Bitch. She had her friend call him on the phone and break up with him, saying �the chemistry is not there�. Way top crack my ass up. Oh, to be 13 again. Anyway, then she started being a bitch to Beavis in school, deliberately ignoring him and stuff. In his words, �She�s acting like a bitch�. Not that he�s hurt by this, especially with the acting like a bitch shit.

I bring this up now, because, last night. Last night, he went out to DQ with Summer, the little cutie who I�ve wanted to be his girlfriend for two years. How awesome is that! He said, �We�re not going out, Mom�, to which I say, �But you�re going to!�.

I was hoping this would be a few years down the road, to ensure they�re being old enough to get married and have babies, but perhaps that�s jumping the gun? Yeah, probably. I really like this girl, though. She is so sweet and so pretty. If I were 13, I�d be friends with her.

Speaking of Beavis, I need advice about a situation regarding his buddy Marc.

Marc�s mom, Kim, and I have become kind of friends, I mean, enough to sit down and chat and have a few beers together. We met through the boys a few years ago. She�s not one of my close friends or anything like that, but I think if we lived closer, we would be.

Anyway, when I first met Kim a few years ago, she had a boyfriend who�s name is Paul. Paul has no kids of his own, and Kim and he moved in together with her two boys, Marc and his older brother (now 16), Mike. Both boys are ADHD and in counseling most of them time for rage issues and shit. Not bad boys, but they�re a handful to live with.

The relationship ended a year or so ago. The boys and Paul�s inability to deal with them effectively, plus Paul�s alcoholism were to blame mostly. Marc was happy when Paul moved out.

Well, Paul�s back and moving back in. Marc is beyond upset about it. He�s been wanting to come out here for a weekend, but has been such a total disrespectful shit to Kim that she�s not letting him do anything until he straightens up. I talked to Kim on the phone last night and she told me how he�s been behaving and it was obvious that he�s very angry with her. She thinks he hates her but doesn�t know why.

I talked to Beavis after to get the scoop from him, and he said that yes, Marc is very upset about Paul�s return. Since Beavis is a good communicator, I asked him to tell Marc to talk calmly about it with Kim. Beavis reported that Marc�s tried, but Kim won�t hear any of it from him and calls him disrespectful.

Now I wonder if I should butt in and tell Kim what I know. My first instinct is to butt the fuck out, as is my nature. But then I think, if someone else knew this about my kid, I�d want to know. I just hate to be a Buttinsky. I don�t want to come off as saying like don�t have this man in your life, but I really think she should know why Marc is acting like he is.

I don�t know. Should I call her and tell her what I know, or butt the fuck out? You guys have been great with the advice in the past, so I�m trusting you all to hook me up with your two cents. I really don�t know what way to go with this.

I�m glad that I�ve raised a boy who can communicate about his feelings well. Amazing when you consider the dysfunctional non-communicative family that I was raised in.

Anyway. I suppose this is enough for today. I�m taking the kids for lunch at Applebee�s and then to the mall for some lotion, and then to Wally World to pick up prints for the photo contest. Oh you want to know what ones?

This one .

This one

And this one .

I kinda have to chose between one or the other of the snowy ones, since I can only have four. It should be easier to decide when I see the prints.

Alrighty then. I�m outtie. Ciao!

Listening to: Commercial for Villa Banca, a swanky restaurant on Main St in Nashua.

Currently reading: "Dark Horse" Tami Hoag

Thinking about: Food! Beer! Yey, Saturday!!!