14 June 2005 | 8:38 p.m.

"Darn it all to heck!"

My Mama computer has 1200-something thingies of spyware and 380 files infected with viruses. And plus the power supply was getting ready to go, too. So, a clean-up, a new
power supply and some nice new Norton thrown in there will cost just under $200 and will be done tomorrow, to be picked up late in the afternoon. And since I use that computer for the business, the business can pay for it.

Meanwhile, I�m stuck with this slow piece of shit that�s down here in the basement. To write on this thing, it�s like the way old people fuck, slow and sloppy. Never mind that I
just can�t leave the kids all upstairs while I come down here for an hour or so to update and catch up on everyone. An hour, ha. Try two.

Is it just me, or does anyone else get a kick out of the phrase, �down cellar�. It cracks me up. �I�m going down cellar�. It just sounds funny. Of course, I�m the same chick who
laughs at the words �log� and �sack�. When I worked at the credit union, we had to �log� all kinds of shit in. Like night deposits. And I�d just crack up and be like, �I have to put
this in the LOG�. It made such an impression on my manager, Jess, who was 3 years younger than me by the way, that when we went to the Christmas party last November (four months after I�d left the credit union), there was a yule log there and Jess made a point to say, �Hey, Jackie, did you see the LOG?�.

I know, I�m totally wiggedy-wack. I�ll admit it.

The heat and humidity disappeared today! I was even COLD this afternoon and had to put on a sweatshirt. Yey! And amazingly enough, the change in temperature brought about a
change in my motivation level and I got all kinds of shit done around the house. It�s so much nicer to get shit done when you�re not dripping sweat. At least that�s what I think, anyway.

Someone is coming to the house in a little bit to get some of our blood and pee for the life insurance. When Nathan, the nice young man that sold us the policy, mentioned blood and urine samples, I was like, �Uh, what are they looking for?�. He said, �Oh, hard drugs like cocaine and heroin and to make sure you don�t smoke cigarettes. They don�t look for marijuana, otherwise, I wouldn�t have half of my clients�. Good thing. Cuz my pee? Dirty, dirty, dirty with the marijuanika!

The spell checker on this piece of shit is retarded. That and when I go to put it in the evil white box, it does this fucked up thing with the spacing and I have to go fix it all before I
can actually update. Windows 98. WTF. Really, who knows if it is 98. It�s probably 95, and that�s ten years old and you know that�s like 10,000 years old in computer years.

Hub and I were a little short with each other last night. Ha. �Short�. A nice way of saying that we couldn�t talk to each other without being totally bullshit with each other and
muttering things like �bitch� and �retard� under our breath. So, he stayed down here and did his paperwork thing and I sat in our room by myself and watched whatever I wanted
on TV which was �Nature� on PBS and �Animal Cops� on Animal Planet.

Nature was interesting, about the way the wind and the water affect the planet. They are
responsbile for all the climates in the world. I did not know that. And it was narrated by
James Earl Jones. Which reminds me. We saw something on TV with JEJ on it, and the
kids were like, �Hey! I hear Darth Vader!�.

And then �Animal Cops�. Ever watch that? What a way to see how completely and totally shitty the human race can be. I mean, it�s not enough to see what people will do to their kids. If you really want to see some shitty things not involving children, watch that show.
I�m not an animal freak, I think PETA is a bunch of Nazis, but the things people do totheir pets is disgusting. I�m not a big fan of animals in my house, so I don�t have them. Period. Why can�t other people realize that? Like the dumb bitch on last night, who had a Boxer in her backyard and hadn�t fed him or taken care of him, because she got a new little Dachshund and �forgot� to take care of the Boxer. He was so skinny it was disgusting. They brought charges against her.

Right around the corner from my house, there�s a series of ponds and brooks. Out on one of these ponds, there�s an island about the size of a football field. One guy that lives along
the pond started hearing a dog barking one day a few weeks ago and just assumed that it was the dog of someone across the pond. Well, a few days go by and he gets on a boat and finds a dog on the island. A skinny, skinny German Shepherd (or �Sherman Leopard� as I used to call them as a kid) was abandoned on the island. From the size of his collar,
they estimated this dog had lost 30-40 lbs since he�d been on that island. And he was covered with fleas and THOUSANDS of ticks. Who the fuck does that to an animal? Take it to the fucking Humane Society, for crying out loud.Sure, they�ll probably give you shit
about dumping the dog off but at least they�ll take it. It�s better than abandoning the poor thing on an island. Anyway, I read in the paper today that some stupid cruel bitch from
Litchfield was arrested for it.

Who was I reading the other day about the lady throwing kittens out the car window on the highway? That pissed me off, too.

I know, I say I�m not an animal freak but I get all bent over this shit. I hate seeing wild animals in captivity, too. I refuse to go to the circus due to the treatment of the elephants.
We went to one ten yeara ago with my dad, when Beavis was 4 and he still remembers to this day me getting all pissed about the way they treated the elephants. Pulling them along
with that poker-stick thing. Yeah, that looks like it feels good. Those animals should be on the plains in Africa and India, not riding show to show in trailers and getting treated like
shit from their �trainers�. My dad, Mr. Conservative, kept trying to amke arguments about them being fed well and living in the lap of luxury, but I wasn�t buying it. A few days after
that circus, the same circus (Cole Brothers) was in NY and one of the elephants went nuts and charged the audience.

OMG this thing is so stupid. WTF? Why the hell did MS-DOS Prompt come up when I went to save? And now phone dialer? PHONE DIALER? What the hell?

Oh yeah, I�m outta here. It�ll probably be another fifteen fucking minutes before I actually get this up on dland. Pardon my typos.


Listening to: Silence. Yey!

Currently reading: "Dark Horse" Tami Hoag. More animal cruelty.

Thinking about: Peeing in a cup.