21 June 2005 | 9:00 p.m.

"He's got a real pretty mouth on him, don't he?"

My name is Jackie, and I�m a poor dland updater. (Oh yeah, and I�m a retard, too, let�s not forget that).

Today was busy, trying to catch up on everything that I neglected to do yesterday, including enjoying some of this wonderful weather we�ve got. I finally uploaded a bunch of pics on Flickr from Sunday (lots of the in-laws, one very Lindsey Lohan/Nicole Ritchie type one of your's truly). And kind of caught up on some diaries, but I still have more to catch up on.

Today marks the official start of summer. Yey! And why am I the only person I know that knows today is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year? People keep looking at me like I have a dick on my forehead when I say that. Oh well.

�Deliverance� came in the mail yesterday from Blockbuster. That movie is fucking scary. Why did I rent it again? Because of �Without a Paddle� and �Wrong Turn� is why. So �Without a Paddle� is funny enough to own, and �Wrong Turn� is pretty scary but nothing compared to �Deliverance�. It was worse knowing what happens in it. Angelina Jolie�s dad is in it. And young Burt Reynolds, who despite the receding forehead was totally fucking sex in that movie (you know, until he had his bone pop out of his leg, that was kinda nasty, but when he put the arrow through the inbred hillbilly rapist? Sexy). Hub and I watched it last night and guess what I dreamt about? Inbred hillbilly rapists and dueling banjos. It was a relief to wake up this morning.

I never saw that movie until Dick and I were together. We had gone down to South Carolina (Greenville) to visit my friend Linda (who now lives in western NY, where we are going in about a week and a half), and she also owned a cabin in the mountains of North Carolina. We went for a hike in the woods out there and he kept saying �These woods remind me of that movie �Deliverance�� and I had no clue what movie he was talking about. Of course, he briefed me on it and then I was no longer as nervous about brown recluse spiders or black widows as I was about crazy hillbillies. Which we didn�t see any.

Anyway, when we got back from SC, we rented �Deliverance�. Scared the shit out of me. And in the closing credits? We saw that the movie was filmed roughly 25 miles from Linda�s cabin. No wonder it reminded Dick of that movie.

Red Bull rules. Crack in a can. It�s going to be a great summer.

Ha! We all know that I think bad thoughts about my neighbor. (Which is as far as it will go). Last night, we both happened to be out back with the kids, I was cleaning the windows in the van (fucking piece of shit)(more parentheses; I can see out my windows now when I�m driving! Hallelujah!) and shooting the shit. One of the kids said something about getting married and Neighbor Guy said, �I�m too young to get married� and I said �Me too� jokingly (okay, so I am), and when I got back into the van, his kid said, �You want to marry HER, right, Dad?� to which he shushed the kid and I thought to myself (�What would Jesus do?!?�<---only for those of you who�ve seen �Harold& Kumar�) HA! So I�m not alone in this. Note to self: Stay on my side of the house.

In the next week and a half I have to:

--Fix brake lights in my Chevy POS (oopsie, haven�t done it yet) and get the oil changed

--Make sure we have $1400 for trip to Aruba (Hub assures me, he WILL have the cash for it. And he will).

--Pay the rent and bills (which, thanks to careful planning only amounts to roughly $440)

--Come up with at least $750 spending cash for trip to NY

--Get a 1 GB memory card for digi cam for trip to NY (at Circuit Shitty, they�re $89.99).

--Pay the IRS for the business. Kinda freaking about this one. Hoping people will pay their bills ASAFP).

Oh. All about money. Money is the root of all evil (�and evil spelled backwards is live�<--- quote from my dad).

I have to pee like crazy, but am more into finishing this in time to put kids to bed.

Tomorrow Beavis is turning 14! OMG! I gave him his present today. I can�t believe he�s 14. He asked me if I felt old, and I was honest with him and said I don�t feel old, but I have a tough time with the age because I was my most rebellious at 14. He knows the whole story (okay, maybe not the WHOLE story), so we�ll see if he can top me.

Okay. I know I had more to write, but it�s time to put Minnie and Mickey to bed. And relieve my bladder.


Listening to: Nothing! They just turned the beginning of "Full House" off, so the theme song is kinda stuck in my head. "Everywhere you loo

Currently reading: "Dark Horse" Tami Hoag

Thinking about: Nuh-nights, kiddos!