22 June 2005 | 1:05 p.m.

"Now that you brought that up, hang onto your paddle. And if you hit any rocks, don't hit 'em with your head".

I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of Bobby and Cindy, which at this point doesn�t seem to be happening, but I won�t rule it out until 1:00. Last Wednesday they didn�t show, and I didn�t get a phone call from Mom until Thursday. Which, sure, your life is upside down right now, I see that. And personally, I�m never disappointed when they don�t come.

Okay, so that new version of �Melt With You� by the group who�s name I do not know but they sound like a combination of Mazzy Starr and The Cardigans? I hate it. OMG. I love the original, love it love it love it, and I�m all for remakes of songs, especially when the re-make-ee does it differently than the original, but this one sucks, in my opinion.

Just so you know.

WTF? I finally sit down to update and first Smokey calls, now Colin is awake and needs lunch. Goddamn. Hang on.

(Oh btw it still seems as though I may not have Bobby and Cindy today which is just great!).

Okay I�m back. Colin is up, diaper changed and in the high chair with a PB&J, and you are all fucking fascinated, I�m sure.

Still with the insane dreams last night. Must be the Red Bull, I swear. This time I was somewhere and bumped into Smokey�s old buddy Phil, the totally smoking hot one that I hooked up with a few times, and of course he was still just as hot. And he was psyched to see me, and we did some catching up. But there was all this other really weird stuff going on too, like we were touring some underground tunnels in Nashua and how they were not scary like we�d heard rumors about for years. And since when were there underground tunnels in Nashua? Never. And the old mayor of Nashua, Maurice Arel, was a spider. And the spider kept freaking me out, former mayor or not.

Warped, I�m telling you. Maybe the spider idea came from watching �Team America: World Police� for a while last night until I could no longer take watching those fucking freaky puppet things. I was really only watching it for the sex parts that Butthead told me about but lost patience and read my book until I fell asleep.

Oh, and today is Beavis�s birfday. 14. Sheesh. I still can�t get over that. No special Beavis�s birfday entry today (this chick is way too scatterbrained right now for anything even remotely organized or touching), but you can always go back and read how Beavis came to be , if you haven�t already.

Jess, trust me, I remember the shit I did at 14 and I cringe at the thought!

Colin is acting like a big fat butt. Argh. He needs outside, big time.

Anyway, so yeah, yesterday we got a letter from child support saying that Hub�s license is going to be revoked, his arrearages are going on his (already fucking hideous) credit report, and that if he files for unemployment benefits at anytime, they�ll take 20% of it (which, I mean, unemployment is already like less than half of your income as it is, and then to take another 20%? Cripes). And he�s paid his child support consistently, the arrearage is only because Judge William Groff (of Hillsborough County Superior Court South in NH, send the bastard hate mail please) went retro on The Douchebag�s modification two fucking years. Bullshit. I know that his license won�t get revoked once his lawyer is on it, considering that HE�S BEEN FUCKING PAYING (and for crying out loud, Dick�s arrearages were $12,000 and he got his license back by paying $2000 on that after not paying for three years), but the rest is bullshit. BULLSHIT.

Let me just say that while I love Daisy dearly, he done fucked up his life but good by knocking that Douchebag up. He�ll pay for that forever. Oh, and going after her for custody of Daisy was a fucking mistake too, seeing as none of this �modification� shit would have come about if he hadn�t. I swear Judge Gruff was just punishing him for that shit.

Well. All that being said, when I got the letter yesterday, I did not freak out. I just figured, �Eh, his problem�. I�ve already resolved myself to the fact that I�ll never be able to buy a house with him on account of his crappy credit that he refuses to fix, so what the fuck is another $3000 on it, anyway?

My not freaking out--total surprise to me. I usually freak when it comes to his child support bullshit, especially at this time of the month when I am bloated and PMS-y. I know that if they take our tax refund, I can get my share back, and I know that from now on, I file on my own. It�s gonna kinda suck because we won�t get back the kind of refund we�re used to, but ain�t one cent of my income is going to The Douchebag, no matter how well I get along with her and no matter how much I love Daisy. I�ve got my own self and kids to support.

I�m telling ya, that bit on the Red Bull can that says �stimulates the mind� or whatever is true. I swear the fact that I�d had two cans of it before I read that stinking letter was what caused my calmness at reading something that normally would send me into a tizzy.

Or it could be the discussion with Rick and Amy the other night about child support, and how he�s been fucked right up the ass with no Vaseline with it, and yet he and his wife have just bought a house (in Nashua, where property is unbelievably expensive) and have a decent life despite said ass-fucking.

Which, btw, Dick and I discussed the child support thing Sunday morning and he thanked me for going easy on him. As far as I�m concerned, just help me out and pay it, and I�m fine. Ring up a $12,000 arrearage, and I tend to get a bit miffed. Whether or not I�ll see even half of that arrearage by the time Mickey is 18 is doubtful, but the kids are taken care of and that�s most important. As long as they have what they need, I don�t see the need to get greedy and put the screws to him.

Okay, I can no longer keep Colin in the high chair. The sun is out, and we�re headed outside.


Oh, btw, Anneliese, I got my 1 GB memory card through pricegrabber.com for the low, low price of $64.99, with free shipping to boot! Whoo! Thank you! =)

Listening to: Red Hot Chili Peppers. The Stevie Wonder tune remake. This remake I like.

Currently reading: "Dark Horse" Tami Hoag. Almost done. Awesome book!

Thinking about: Laundry. It's all I ever do. That and bitch. =)