24 June 2005 | 3:29 p.m.

"Why don't we just pretend he didn't die? Just for a bit!"

I�m looking at the calendar and it says that the full moon was Wednesday night, but I think it�s wrong. The full moon was last night. Oh, what a night.

It all started when I checked my messages on voice mail (finally), because I�d seen on the caller ID that Hub�s lawyer had called and wanted to know what was up.

Her message: �I talked to the people at child support and they�re not willing to do anything right now�. Which meant to me, he�s losing his license.

I was all cool and shit when we got the letter on Wednesday, I didn�t freak out about and I bragged about it too, didn�t I? Yeah. Well, not after that message. I freaked out.

I called Hub on his cell, and he�d just happened to be pulling in the driveway. I was flipping.

Then, they�d sent another certified letter that I�d picked up yesterday, so I looked at that and it was all about non-payment and he was scheduled for a pre-show cause hearing for non-payment, and then it even had Douchebag�s other son (not Hub�s kid) on there! Like what the fuck!

He�s been fucking paying. I pay it every week. Every fucking week for years I�ve made that payment first thing out of his paycheck, even when he was out of work, that shit got fucking paid and they�re saying he�s not paying? Bull-fucking-shit.

I called his lawyer and left a message on her voice mail. All upset and shit. My last words were a very sarcastic, �Thanks for all your help�.

Anyway, I�d picked up a pint of Jager earlier and tore right into it after that. I know, wicked healthly.

Hub called Douchebag to talk about it. Oh, interesting, she just had a meeting with them a few days ago. What a coincidink. The NH Division of Child Support is so backed up that unless the payee makes a stink, the cases get no attention. Believe me, I know firsthand. When Dick�s arrearage hit $10,000, I finally started bugging them and they finally did something. It took three years of his not paying to get to that amount, despite me calling anytime I had employment or address info on him, and they didn�t do anything until I made a pest of out myself. I even went so far as to write letters to the governor and other politicians, and then they did something. So, we think she�s got some hand in this.

But, it�s also the Division because there is a fuck up there. Big Time. I�ve been sending checks in (with the coupons filled out and the case ID # on the check) and they�ve been cashing them but they aren�t being applied or something.

Anyway, I even ended up talking to The Douchebag too, because Hub just wasn�t saying it the way he needed it to be said. I was plowed at that point. But I told her, �If he loses his license over this, he can�t work. Period. He�ll have to go down to BK or something else within walking distance, at a third of what he makes now, and then child support will go way down�.

Anyway. What a fucking ordeal. My husband and his fucking baggage. Chief Black Cloud!

Anyway, so later Beavis and I were hanging out in the kitchen talking. And he happened to notice what he thinks was probably a fox walking in the backyard. He went out to check it out, and notices this absolutely mutilated rodent on top of our trash can. It was all fresh and shit, like the fox had attacked it while we were chatting away in the kitchen. Right there.

I got my camera out and took pictures, which is beyond ghetto. Far beyond. They are disgusting. Rotten.com would love them. I even took one close up. That animal (a rat or a mole or squirrel, whatever it was, it�s hard to tell now) got fucking wiped out.

I didn�t even feel sick to my stomach or grossed out or anything. It was really nasty, though.

Anyway, then in my drunken state, I went and got some old bread and shit to give to the raccoons in the woods, and I was hooting and hollering and acting like a total retard (oh, and did I mention I was in my pj�s too? Yeah, no bra, tank top and short shorts, real pretty) and who comes out but my neighbor.

I was like, �Uh. I�m really sorry if I woke you up� and he said he wasn�t sleeping (I mean it was like 9:30 or so anyway) but was curious about what we were talking about on the trash can. He hadn�t seen anything, but then shared that just a few weeks ago he�d been woken up at 4:30 one morning by a bunch of coyotes howling. I missed that one, and he said it was so loud he was surprised we didn�t hear it.

Anyway, he was of no help identifying the dead thing or what could have done it, but he said, �Leave the back light on. If I see or hear anything, I�ll come out with my gun and shoot it�.

He�s so rough. I just love it. He�s all into hunting and shit.

Anyway, I wonder if he still wants to marry me? ;) I was three sheets to the wind by then.

And then my pint of Jager was GONE! Empty! I was all going through the house saying, �Who the hell drank all my Jagermeister?!?� and Hub and the boys were like, �You�. Oh. Me?

Anyway, by then it was time to hit the sack.

I woke up this morning feeling�fine. NO stomachache, no headache, nothing. A little tired, but no hangover. Nice.

I spent the morning with Hub working on the child support bullshit, looking up dates and amounts and numbers of checks, finding statements showing they were cashed, and ordering copies of cleared checks. Oh, and, since Hub took the morning off, he went and bought me two new bulbs and my brake lights are now fixed.

For the moment. It may happen to be that we�ll have to replace the actual circuit board or whatever the hell it is. Fucking stupid POS van! Goddamn it! I�m starting to hate it. We even discussed possibly trading it in for another one, which I�ve been thinking about. So. Possibly. One of these days.

It is friggin beautiful outside and here I sit inside doing this. I have on the cutest clothes, too. Short white capris and a pink and white �retro� patterned halter top. Them and my white platform-y flip flops make me the coolest shit ever. Dammit.

Oh, and Jennifer dear, stop paying such close attention!!! ;) The roll-up thing actually is 7 points, on account of the fact that the Weight Watcher Fiesta Chicken is 4 points, not 5. My B.

And my 1 GB memory card came in the mail today. And I ordered it Wednesday. And shipping was free. Rock on, Newegg.com. Thank you!

Okay, so now I�m out, yo. Jackie needs a nap!


Listening to: "Look What you've done" Jet

Currently reading: "Dark Horse" Tami Hoag

Thinking about: