11 July 2005 | 1:40 p.m.

"I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit."

I was tagged by the darling Jess (oh and btw, she�s locked. Goddamned people and their locked diaries. Sheesh) and here I will go with my attempt at "5 Things that Piss the Hell out of Me Right Now".

1).George W. Bush . I know, this comes as a shock to all. I am at the point where just the sound of this man�s voice gets my knickers in a twist. The whole Iraq war thing? Infuriates me, especially when I hear him saying shit like, �It is worth the sacrifice�. How about �bullshit�? We�ve lost 1700 Americans, our little boys and girls, our children, for what? For a war based on a lie. A bunch of lies. And The Patriot Act? Don�t even get me started. What else goes in this category? Bush supporters. WTF? Is the lying not enough for you? How is it cool that we went and attacked (and destroyed) not one, but two countries that DID NOTHING to us. NOTHING! We tore up Afghanistan looking for Osama Bin Laden and did we find him there? No! We blame Iraq for 9/11, when in fact NONE of the hijackers were even from there. And want to know what else? How come it�s okay that Bush did cocaine and had his little alcohol binge days, but Clinton got a rash of shit for smoking pot in the 60�s? How come it�s okay that Bush didn�t serve in Vietnam, but Clinton got a rash of shit for that too? I�m just wondering.

2). The Supreme Court. Again, WTF? Imagine my delight when I saw, on my first day of vacation, that Justice O�Connor is retiring. What a joy. That and Rehnquist has one foot in the grave�GOODY GOODY FUCKING GUMDROPS, Bush is going to have the honor of appointing not one, but two justices to the Supreme Court. Hooray. And he don�t want no arguments about his appointees, either! Perhaps I should just give up all my rights as an American citizen right now so I don�t get any more attached to them.

3). System of A Down, �BYOB�. This song annoys the shit out of me. And it�s not the style of music, which I really don�t care for. It�s that I actually like PARTS of the song, it has some good potential, and then they RUIN IT with that �Blast off, partytime� shit. What the fuck is that? I must be showing my age here. Again, while we�re on the subject of music, I really can�t fucking stand Green Day�s ballads. This new �When September Ends� song irritates the shit out of me. The same way that �The Time of Your Life� does. Otherwise, I love the band, but they should really stick to the good stuff.

4). Neighbors who suck balls. Neighbors who freak out at the sight of my son walking down the road and immediately start harassing him and then turn around and wonder why he doesn�t like them and doesn�t want to be on friendly terms. Yet they argue with him about shit that has nothing to do with him, like our landlord leaving a note in their mailboxes to bring their stinking trash barrels back to their fucking house. Or they call the cops at 9:01 pm because the kids are walking around and TALKING? And you want to be friends? How�s that crack you�re smoking? Must be good shit. And when you called last night to see if we could �get together and talk� and I declined, saying I�m tied up right now? That was because I�ve avoided speaking to you regarding this matter on account of the fact that what I�d like to do is punch you in the fucking face and after I�ve had my 5 Sunday afternoon beers, I might not be able to resist the urge very well. And I�m thinking that might not be such a good example for the kids. Leave my kid alone. Or, if you can�t, then don�t turn around and wonder why he doesn�t like you and goes out of his way to ignore you. Or, even better, FUCKING MOVE.

5). My dishwasher broke. Welcome home from vacation, Jackie! The dishwasher leaks, all over those little electrical cords, dontchaknow. So, we can�t use it. And nobody else will do dishes. So now I stand at the sink three to four times a day washing fucking dishes. In the summer heat. Gee whiz, God must have been listening to my prayers. Anyway, he really was, because our landlord is going to replace it. We just have to wait for them to come and hook the shit up. Which who knows how long that will take. In the meantime, I hope the planet can forgive me for all the plastic cups and paper plates I�ll be using. It�s either fill the landfills unnecessarily or have dishpan hands, and, well, have you ever had dishpan hands? And what�s funny? I had no problem living without a dishwasher before, and when we moved in here it was just a neat little toy and not a necessity. Isn�t it strange how time changes things?

Is it bad if I only tag two people? Because most everyone else has done this one, and I�m not even sure that these two folks haven�t since I�m still in the midst of playing catch up. Anyway, I tag Muffy because she rocks the rant, and Jennifer because I said.

And, anyway, I have to go deal with life, which is #6 on my list of things that piss me off right now. Not much I can do about it, though.

(Oh, and , Biodtl ? I sang your favorite song in the shower this morning to my husband. I know, I wasn�t actually taking a bath to get the full effect, but it was close. And I have the exact same horrid singing voice as Navin, too).

I�m out, yo.

Listening to: Something by Hot Hot Heat

Currently reading: "My Life" Bill Clinton

Thinking about: Did I put on deordorant this morning? I'm thinking maybe I forgot. You'd think so, too, if you were here. ;)