12 July 2005 | 10:04 a.m.

"He hates these cans. Stay away from the cans".

Can somebody tell me why I�ve been so damn lazy? The Queen of Procrastination? I can�t even blame it on the weather today, as it MIGHT be 70 degrees right now and quite comfortable. I just don�t feel like doing shee-it.

Well, I feel like drinking. I feel like screwing off here on the internets. I feel like going next door and talking to my neighbor because there is nothing more fun than chatting with someone who finds you attractive and doesn�t make much of a secret of it, especially when the feeling is mutual. I feel like going someplace neat and taking pictures. I feel like eating lots and lots of yummy, high fat salty foods like onion rings, potato chips (and dip!) and chicken wings.

I do not feel like folding laundry, dropping off a med form at the pediatricians office, making an appointment with the orthopedist for Beavis, doing books for the business, filling out our renewal application for the kid�s health insurance, or changing Colin�s stank-ass diaper�all of which really need to be done. And we�re out of pot, which I still haven�t been smoking too much of, so I can�t even blame that.

There was a big drug bust in Nashua this weekend. At a friend of Ned�s house. Where he hangs out. I�m thinking maybe alcohol isn�t his only problem now and mayhaps he�s got a taste for the crack? Makes sense. And, um, what does it mean when your house gets raided, and everyone in it gets arrested except for you? Do I smell a �confidential informant�? Nice friends, Ned.

Want a rant? How about Dick? Rrrr. Two weeks ago, he was flashing all kinds of cash in my face, literally, and did he even attempt to pay his super cheap child support? No. You�ve got a thousand bucks in your pocket and you can�t part with your whopping $105 a week for two kids? Thanks, thanks a lot. I�m going to call Child Support and tell them where he works so they can garnish his wages because obviously, that�s the only way he�ll pay. You know, while he lasts there, which probably won�t be long.

Sunday I took the kids to meet him at church, even though I hadn�t spoken to him, I just assumed he�d be there. Of course, you know what happens when we assume. He didn�t show, and I even waited an extra 15 minutes in case he was just late. Mickey was upset. Being that he doesn�t understand yet that Dick is a DICK, and I�m just gonna let him learn for himself on that one. Anyway, so then Dick (or should I call him �THE Dick�?) called after we got home, telling me that his mother (step-mom) died and that�s why he wasn�t at church. Except? She died a week before, and the funeral and shit was over and done with the weekend before. So, he�s having a rough time with all this and had to get drunk Saturday to numb the pain.

Please. I got drunk Saturday too. So don�t give me that. And the thing with the dead step mom? He wasn�t friendly with her for YEARS. She treated him like shit growing up. So did her kids. She and his birth mother (also dead) are responsible for his totally pyscho view of women, in my opinion. But. Like that matters. I think he just needs another excuse to continue on with his downward spiral.

I just can�t stop thinking, WTF? Was I thinking? Hello? He is like the epitome of all that is loser. I hope it�s not genetic, I really do. There is no hope for him at all. He�s only one step above Ned. Barely.

At least Rod, while he was a retard, has done something with his life. He�s been with the same company for like 10 years. He owns a house, has a decent car, has been married for 12 years, takes care of his other kid and has not missed a week of child support in forever. At least I�m still not questioning my having been with and bred with him. I think Dick? I�ll question that shit forever.


One of the neighborhood devil�s spawn brought up this fucking barrel a few months ago. They filled it with big rocks and left it in my yard. The boys never brought it down to the road with the trash. It filled up with water and sat next to my house where we keep our trash. When I came home from vacation, I noticed a stench coming from the area and assumed it was the trash. Except yesterday, while the trash was by the road for pickup, there was still that stench. So I checked it out.

The barrel is now the home of some lovely dead squirrel soup, seasoned with lovely mosquito larvae. What a delight! The dead squirrel has some maggots crawling around in it and�did I mention the FUCKING STANK? Of course, this stuff is not only disgusting but heavy as hell, so there goes my removing it. Hub said he would, but that�ll be, um, NEVER. So, I came up with a short term solution. I covered the barrel with Press & Seal Wrap (which is the best shit EVER, btw). Now the insects are trapped as is the stinkage. We�ll see how it holds up. Maybe I can market the idea to Glad?

Anyway, Hub Isn�t going to touch that thing unless I start being a real bitch about it. Which could happen if my Press & Seal idea doesn�t work out. Otherwise, I�ll have to wait until it freezes up this winter, and then I can roll it down the hill with the rest of the garbage since some of the assholes around here think it�s a dump. And, yeah, it will be placed in a close proximity to the home of the devil�s spawn that brought the motherfucker up here in the first place.

Yeah. So. I really need to get some shit done. Oh and I have dishes to do, too! Yey! Dishes! Where is my dishwasher, goddammit?!?

Arrividerci! Capiche?

Listening to: "Spiderwebs" No Doubt. Stupid song.

Currently reading: "My Life" Bill Clinton

Thinking about: Doing nothing. Vacation's over? What you talkin' 'bout, Willis? Oh. And I have to pee.