30 October 2004 | 9:59 a.m.

Hilda's drama

This is my second attempt to share the story of Hilda, my step-daughter, and the circumstances that led us to send her back to live with her mother, Shauna, roughly a year ago.

Brief backround: Hub and Shauna were all of 17 when she got pregnant with Butthead. Hub "did the right thing" and married her. Hilda came along a couple of years after Butthead. Their relationship was quite volatile. Hub finally left Shauna and quickly got
involved with Esther. Shauna got the kids initially, but they were living in some pretty nasty conditions and Hub got custody. Years later, after his divorce from Esther (which left him broke, in debt and without a place of his own to live in) he sent the kids back to Shauna. Two years, five homes and three live-in boyfriends later, Hub was back on his feet and took the kids back. By now, Hub and I were married and living where we are now.

Hilda has a "sweet and innocent" demeanor about her, which is totally and completely deceptive. I had to find out the hard way. Turns out, she's a klepto and a pathological liar, amongst other things. She's petite and overweight (and she's one of those overweight girls who insists on dressing like she's thin, and her belly fat is always hanging out. Lovely). She has blonde hair (which is usually greasy) and blue eyes, yellow teeth and her look reminds me of what my grandmother called a "ragamuffin". She's totally boy crazy and is always in pursuit of a boyfriend, which is usually futile due to the whole belly hanging out, yellow toothed, oily hair thing she's got going on. She'll do anything for boys to like her, which has me convinced that she'll be pregnant by age 16 or so. Right now, she's 13 but has the mentality of a 10 year old.

Shauna is a piece of work herself. I've known her since Hub and I got together, and she's had at least 10 boyfriends in that time. Her hygenic habits match Hilda's and her teeth are currently rotting out of her head (remember that scene from "Goldmember"the guy with the mole, and all Dr. Evil can do is stare at the mole and say "mmmole..."? It's like that with Shauna's teeth. "Teeeeeth...". Nasty. There ain't no saving those fuckers, and she'd be way better of having them all yanked, as they are all brown and only parts of teeth at this time. I'm talking the front teeth, too. Ick. But I digress).
She's got another kid from another schmuck, who's handicapped and she lives off his disbabilty check because she doesn't work. Never has, never will, and she's got another 18 year excuse not to, because during the time period of this story, she got pregnant yet again, with the last boyfriend's kid, whom she's married to now. I got along with Shauna just fine until all this shit went down, and now I don't care for her at all, to put it lightly.

Anyway, we'd had the kids with us for about 4 months or so with some adjustment issues, but overall, we thought everything was okay. We had some financial issues, as Shauna wasn't contributing shit, and Hub was going to begin to push for child support. What we didn't know was that Shauna and her sister in law, whom she was living with at the time, rent-free, I might add, were working on a covert mission to get the kids to live back with her. Specifically Hilda, as Butthead was quite content living with us. Let's call her sister in law "Auntie Cunt", cuz that fits.

Hilda is quite trusting and naive, for all her evil tendencies, and all the "heart to heart" talks with Shauna and Auntie Cunt were quite convincing for her. Shauna told Hilda, no, I can't actually pay child support, but if you come live with me, I'll get you everything you want. They dazzled her with trips to restaurants, which we couldn't afford at the time because we had some financial setbacks and taking 5 kids out to eat just wasn't in the budget. Shauna and Auntie Cunt kept telling Hilda that Hub was mean and violent, even though it was untrue and those kids were never harmed here. (Unlike Shauna's last boyfriend, not her current husband, who was quite verbally
abusive to the kids and whose own kids peed on Butthead's bed and burned some of his stuff, but that's another story for another time).

So, light dawned on Marblehead on Sept 11, 2003 (a date that's easy to remember). We sat down at the dinner table and Hub started talking about Shauna having to pay child support for us to get by. In front of the kids, because he's retarded like that even
though I've told him a million times over the kids don't need to know about shit like that, it just puts extra stress on them, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, Hilda finished dinner awfully quick and got right on the phone to Shauna. Questioning her reason for the call, Hub got on another line and listened in. He got a fucking earful of lies like you wouldn't believe. "They're so mean to me, they won't take me to the doctor's when I'm sick". "Daddy scared me". "He keeps saying you have to pay child support and I know you can't". He was livid. LIVID. So was I. He got her off the phone, but before doing so, Shauna told Hilda she was calling the police. (Because, you know, douchebags like that operate that way).

Hub confronted Hilda's lies and all the little bitch could do was cry. She knew she was wrong. Knowing that Shauna called the cops, Hub called them too and they sent an officer over. He went and spoke to Hilda and found nothing wrong, just a fucked up little girl. He had to communicate this through the police dept. to Shauna and Auntie Cunt, who of course had to get her fucking hands in the mix.

The next day the court shit started. The courts ruled that Hub would keep Hilda
pending a GAL investigation (Guardian ad litem--a person, usually a lawyer, who is appointed to represent the child's best interest). Butthead did not want to go back to live with Shauna under any circumstances, and she didn't push for him, seeing as he's intelligent enough to make his own decisions and has a mind of his own and is quite vocal about it. (The kid has stated that if anything happened to his dad, he still wouldn't
go live with her. He says he'd rather live with me or an aunt--not Auntie Cunt, though! I would keep him). So the court shit was about Hilda only.

Bear in mind, that all this was going on at the same time as the peak of drama with Hub's custody fight with Esther over Daisy. Plus some pretty tough financial times. We were under some stress, to put it simply.

Anyway, a few weeks later, Hub got a restraining order put on him by Shauna. She claimed "he threatened her and her unborn baby's life", which could not have been any further than the truth. Hub's as likely to have sex with her again as he is to threaten her.

Even Esther got her hands in the mix. She, along with Auntie Cunt and the father of Shauna's handicapped kid, all wrote notarized affidavits about how mean Hub is and how Hilda had told them she wanted to live with Shauna. Of course, she did, because she's the type who will say whatever you want to hear. She was telling Hub that she wanted to live with him.

The restraining order was the end of everything. It wasn't an easy decision for Hub (it was easy for me though! I was beginning to hate Hilda at this point), but he decided to give Hilda back to Shauna. The bullshit just got to be too much to handle. If the fucking
bitch wanted Hilda that bad, she could have her. He had his lawyer contact Shauna and negotiate the terms of the agreement. She dropped the restraining order, agreed that no child support would be paid, and a few other terms (my favorite, Shauna's idea, was that any pick-ups or drop-offs of the kids would be "curbside" without exiting the vehicle. Our driveway is 300 ft long. Stupid bitch. I love making her sit down there).

It took about two weeks to get the agreement signed. Shauna wanted to do it at the court hearing for the restraining order. Ridiculous. Esther, Auntie Cunt and the retard father of the other kid were there. It was a freak show at the circus, I tell you. It was a long few weeks, as I was ready for Hilda to be gone and the drama ended. I hate that kind of shit and I gave up participating in it when I was like 16.

All through it, Shauna just reminded me of those fucked up bitches in high school. Remember them? Those fucktard asshats who would make up rumors about people, and who would tell outlandish lies to manipulate people? When I was in school, they looked like Uma Thurman's character in "Hysterical Blindness". Badly feathered hair, usually outdated, bad makeup (big globs of black in the corners of their eyes), and
painful looking cameltoes. I know you ladies in your 30's are remembering those bitches. They were the ones who always wanted to fight you if you gave them "a dirty look". Remember!

(A short digression: When I was 16, this guy "Lee" had the mad hots for me. He also had a girlfriend, one of those fucked up chicks named "Laurie". He dumped her during April vacation of that year to go out with me. When it proved to be way too much to go out with him, due to the grief Laurie was giving me, I dumped him. When I got back to school after vacation, she had some fat bitch threatening to beat me up,and she spread
a rumor that I was a lesbian. This was back in the day when it wasn't "cool" to be gay, so I suppose she was trying to make me look bad. Whatever. Of course, after I dumped Lee, they got back together. Lee pursued me for the next three years. I got many a drunken phone call from him. They ended having three kids together, and I do believe that they are still together to this day. And their names really are Lee and Laurie. And I'll bet cashmoney that Shauna knew them. Oh! And one day, right after I had my wisdom teeth out--like I was still feeling the effects of the anesthesia--Laurie and the fat bitch showed up at my house in Laurie's Chevette looking to fight. I called the fat bitch a fucking cow and invited her to hit me, and she wouldn't. Guess what happened after that? No more fat bitch threatening me. The fat bitch was actually friends with Shauna and Hub, as they named Hilda after a baby that the fat bitch had had but died).

Anyway, it was a great day in the house when Hilda left. Once Shauna got her way, she started trying to talk nice to Hub. She wanted all these special favors, she wanted to pick up Hilda's stuff when it was convenient for her, but Hub wouldn't help. She was probably four or five months pregnant at the time, and she and Auntie Cunt came to get Hilda's stuff, he just watched. There was some heavy stuff, and they asked him to help, but he refused, and rightly so. If it were me, I'd have left her shit by the road, instead of our backyard.

The boys were equally as excited about Hilda's departure. They couldn't stand her to begin with, but after all that shit, they downright hated her.

A year later, we're better off and Shauna can't provide for Hilda properly. Her husband works at a gas station, and that SSI check went down when she got married. They pay rent now, like normal people. Guess what Shauna bought Hilda for school clothes? Two outfits, from a used clothing store. Yup, promised the little bitch a rose garden and delivered a bunch of dirt with a few weeds. Instant karma. She was here a few weeks ago, asking Hub to pay for her school pictures because her mom couldn't
afford them. OH WELL, I say, TOO FUCKING BAD. We do buy her some clothes, for
Christmas, birthday, and I did buy her two NEW outfits for school, along with shoes, because she usually comes over with old, falling apart shoes, and that's just cuz I feel a little bad for her. Bitch that she is. But, when she comes asking, especially at the suggestion of her scumbag mother, it doesn't fly. She got what she wanted, she can fucking deal with it.

What does Shauna do for Butthead? Diddly fucking squat.

Anyway, that's the drama story of Hilda and her departure from our home.


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