22 September 2005 | 10:37 a.m.

"Who wants first reach-around?"

Mow billing. I hate it. Every month, there�s issues. I just keep putting it off. I should have started on Tuesday. I haven�t yet. I�ve already seen things that piss me off, and I haven�t even dug into the lists much at all.

Yeah, when I see shit on the mow list that says: �trimmed bushes�, but NO PRICE? And we don�t have an estimate on file for the trim? It just irritates me.

I hate working with him. It is making me insane. He�ll call me to tell me something stupid, like he�s dropping a mower off at the equipment place (because it�s �pissing out gas�. This thing has been in the shop so much it�s not even funny. Again, just his �bad luck� with stuff, I guess), which I really don�t care about. But to take the business card and spend $350, he can�t call me about that. No. That�s something I *might* want to know about. No, please fill my ears with all the useless bullshit that I do not care about.

Or just keep doing all those things that you know will send me into a rage (because you keep doing it over and over and over), and then blame me for getting infuriated about it.

Oh, and shoot me square between the eyes, please. For the love of God.

Speaking of God. Boy does he think he�s funny or what? Really, I was up off and on last night praying that Rita doesn�t do what Katrina did. Of course, this time ducks are in a row, lesson learned the hard way. But still. Two hurricanes that strong hitting within weeks of each other? Is this that shit from �Revelations� or what?

Honestly, I wish I�d never learned that part of the Bible. It�s like the one part I can�t forget.

Anyway, yeah, so here I am bitching about my stupid husband when in reality my problems could be much worse. At least I�m sitting here in my home and not somewhere else, worried whether or not my home and town will still be there when I get back.

I did, however, go get gas this morning before the price goes up again. I squealed in Yoda-speak when I saw gas for $2.79 a gallon at Mobil. So I filled up for $40.10. Yey!

So. The other day, Nina and a friend (Linda, another piece of work. She is what I call a resin-head. You could get high off of her skin cells, I swear. Big pothead. And that�s coming from me) and I were talking about kids and drugs. And Linda says, because although she doesn�t have kids of her own, she does have friends with teenagers who do drugs, that the latest rage among 13 and 14 year olds is heroin, because it�s so cheap.

Well, I have one of those. A 14 year old, I mean. Not a bag of heroin. And all I can think of is him trying it. Even though I have warned him against it all these years, I�ve told him over and over about my friend Marc who OD-ed and died, and about all the guys that were fine until they did heroin, and now they�re all junkies. Like Ryan, who was the cutest, albeit a little strange, when he was 19, 20 years old. In came heroin. That was in 1995. Ten years later, I see him all the time, walking back and forth between Nashua and Hudson, looking like he�s 45 years old even though he�s only like 30, wearing shitbag clothes and rubbing his face. I think he walks between home in Nashua and the methadone clinic which is in Hudson. Anyway. I point him out to Beavis whenever we see him.

Beavis loved Ryan when he was 2 and 3 years old. Ryan was such a kid and they had such a blast together. Now he�s just useless. It�s sad, and it makes me sad every time I see him. One bad decision and you�re done for life.

So, I talked to Beavis the other day. I said, �Do you know anyone that does heroin?�. He looked at me like I was nuts. Then I told him what Linda told me. He said, as a matter of fact, that in health class the other day his teacher (who must be an old hippie type because he referred to marijuana as �grass� the other day) said he�d just found out that there were kids at Beavis�s school who were on heroin. Which shocked Beavis more than me. But anyway.

I sat there begging him to never try it. Please, please, please whatever you do please don�t ever even try it no matter how tempting it may be. Again I reminded him about Marc and Ryan. And how just one time is all it takes to throw your life away. Oh and don�t forget not to smoke crack, either.

He says, �well what about plain old cocaine?�. Not that either, I said. Just don�t.

And leave out the meth, too. Lest you end up like Freakshow (because if you watch the �extra features� on the Harold & Kumar DVD, you learn that Freakshow is not only a born again Christian, but a crystal meth addict too). Okay so I told him that using meth causes boils like Freakshow�s. What a deterrent that would be to using drugs, ey? How many kids would try shit if they knew it would cause hideous, pus-filled, pulsating boils all over your face and body? Not many, I�m sure.

Anyway. Having kids nowadays is not frickin� easy. I think if I�d have waited until I was older to have them, I wouldn�t. There�s just too much wrong with the world to bring innocent babies into it. And if it sucks this much now, how much is it going to suck in 50 years?

Speaking of suckage. I hate George W. Bush. And I wanted to kiss the ground Bill Clinton walks on when I read he basically LAMBASTED Mr. W. (Oh, Bill. If I�d been Monica, well, let�s just say, I�d have taken care of you well and nobody would have known. It would have been our secret).

A teeny little moth spent the night on my keyboard shelf and laid eggs. And the teeny tiny little eggs look just like, well, EGGS. Yeah, I took pictures. And I just found out that while in digital macro mode, I can zoom in. Only then, it looks all digitalized.

Mickey and I just sang the �Itsy Bitsy Spider�, and I just realized, after 30 something friggin� years of singing that song, that it didn�t rain! Someone turned the water spout on. How did I not know that?

And my final bit of shit what means nothing. Nina�s real name is Georgie. Short for Georgianna. That poor girl had her name butchered as a kid, as you might imagine. Recently, she shared with me the story of one kid who asked her name and after she told him, he said, �What? Orgy-guana?�. I now refer to her regularly as Orgy-guana. Because it�s really funny. Like screen name worthy.

Oh. And I�m not going to move to Blogger. That site does not work for me. I just get so impatient with dland, as do we all. But, I�ve been here forever, I guess I�ll stay. Plus, I did a test this morning and I need not change my quotes anymore, that bug seems fixed.

Okay. I guess that�s all for now. How random I am today.


Listening to: "Rock The Casbah" The Clash. Yey, The Clash!

Currently reading: "Guilty As Sin" Tami Hoag

Thinking about: I still smell like gas. WTF? I feel like the guy in "Love, Liza".