14 November 2005 | 9:32 a.m.

I know it isn't true I know it isn't true, Love is just a lie made to make you blue

Okay, so my banner is, as the boys say , �gay�. And I don�t mean gay in the good way, ie; homosexual. No, I mean gay as in stupid, like the kids say it, or as in WICKED QUEER (pronounced �que-ah�, of course). So I have no creativity when it comes making banners. Face it, I suck. I think I�m going to use an older one that actually worked. A click through of 1.9% kinda hurts a little, ya know? ;)

I am off the hook for Nina�s doctor appointment today and it�s been rescheduled for tomorrow. Goody. I�ll be glad when she drops this fucking kid and I don�t have to take her to the doc�s every week. I know, then she�ll have other places to go. Yes she gives me gas money and in the end I don�t really mind doing it as long as it doesn�t totally inconvenience me, but I must have something to bitch about at all times, okay!

OMG, and how I put off doing groceries on Friday to cart her and Beavis around? Yeah, I went yesterday morning instead. Me and the rest of the freakin� town of Hudson. Soooooo aggravating. People right behind me up my ass with their carts (Oh, gee, I�m sorry I had to stop for a second and take something off the shelf! WTF am I thinking? It�s like I think I�m FUCKING SHOPPING or something), or being in my way (really, I�m thinking that if you�ve bumped into an old pal, that�s lovely, but how�s about having that conversation somewhere else besides right in fucking front of the goddamn milk cooler? Move it the fuck along, already), and my all time personal favorite, the people with the �I�m the only person in the store� mentality. I love them. Fortunately, they spend all their time at the deli, which I have learned to avoid because of those people. (Really. A quarter pound of one of everything? Cut the shit. MUST you sample every single cut of meat and cheese they have? Why the fuck can�t you shop on fucking Monday or something, when it�s not so busy?).

Yeah, I guess I�m kinda irritable this morning. I might even be working up to another rant about the Hubster, but not today. It�s just good old PMS rearing It�s ugly head. I love it!!! Oh the anger and the hatred! The rage! So refreshing.

I don�t know why word insists on capitalizing every damn word that starts with I, but I do know that it irks the fucking shit out of me. (Except Irk. Oh, I spoke too soon. It capitalized that one). From here in, I�ll leave those big I�s and you can see how annoyed it can make a person become (specifically, a female with high hormone levels). One of these days I will take this thing in for a virus-ectomy, really.

Let�s talk about music. One song in particular, that I heard not once, but twice this weekend. No wonder I�m in a bad mood. The song is �Love Hurts� by Nazareth. Never in my life have I heard a song that makes me want to kill myself more than this song. And I�ve basically felt this way about this song in particular since I was a kid. I can say it�s a bad song, but if you think about it, it�s a good song. In that, damn, you can feel the pain that Inspired the song. No matter how good of a mood I�m In, that song will bring me down and make me sad every time. Just because it�s misery, pure misery.

And it�s not like it has any emotional meaning to me whatsoever. There are songs out there that remind me of things, that make me sad or happy based upon whatever memory is attached to it. (Like, �Your Own Personal Jesus� by Depeche Mode. They�ve been playing it on the radio a lot and it makes me smile every time. When it came out, I was living in NY and hanging out with these punk artist guys, one of whom was named Aaron. Aaron always sang It as �Your Own Personal Pan Pizza� and one day, the song was on, and Aaron described his version of the video for �Pan Pizza�, which included the visual of pan pizzas coming off a conveyor belt at the end of the song. 15 years later, and the whole scene still cracks my ass up--to the point where I�ve told Beavis and now he�ll sing �Pan Pizza� to it, and I laugh my ass off. Okay, so I�m easily amused). Mostly, it reminds me of being a kid (like 7 or so) and thinking, �turn that god awful song off before I throw myself off the swingset!�.

And the fucking song gets stuck in my head. What�s that called? An ear something. Well, it�s been In my head since I woke up this morning at 5:30. If there was a gun the house, I�d have used it by now and blown a hole clear through my head. Shit, if Lane Meyer had kept it on the station that was playing it any longer, that movie would have had a much quicker ending.

And really? Remember way back when those two kids tried to kill themselves because of the Judas Priest song? Well, didn�t one kid die and the other lived, but without most of his face, for a while? Anyway, their parents tried to sue Judas Priest for the whole thing, remember? If memory serves, I think the parents lost but don�t quote me on that, I could be wrong. Now, as I was thinking about my urge to kill myself every time I hear �Love Hurts�, I wondered, how many people have killed themselves for real listening to it? Probably a lot. But, Nazareth never got sued. Of course, I�m assuming that Nazareth doesn�t have the same kind of money that Judas Priest does. What did they do besides �Love Hurts� that was noteworthy? I�m thinking nothing, nothing that I know of, anyway. I can kinda remember them having a video on the early MTV, but I�ve just checked a listing of their songs and nothing looks familiar. They had a bunch of albums out. And the one they�re remembered for is �Love Hurts�.

Mostly, I just hate that that song has the ability to get stuck in my head and stay there. It hasn�t stopped, despite having the radio on all morning. Stuck! Argh!

So you all hate me now, because if you know the song, I know it�s in your head now! HA! Know my misery, feel my pain. I am your master.

Another little ditty that can stay in the head for a long time? �The Backwards Man� from Freddy Got Fingered. �I'm the backwards man, the backwards man, I can run back as fast as you can�. You know you hate me now.

When we went to NY in the summer of 2004, the kids brought that movie with us and the song got into our heads. Hub and I traded off singing it. It would be out of one of our heads, and the other would sing it and get It back in. We did this for 7 days, people.

Nina brought it up the other day, telling me a story about movies that she didn�t want her kids to watch, and that was number one on her list. Evidently, she�s not a fan of Tom Green. ( WHO?!? ). She couldn�t think of the name, but she talked about Jaegan coming down the stairs, after someone had let him watch it, with all his clothes on backwards singing the backwards man. That was it, stuck back In my head.

And then my kids got wind of the backwards man, and they wanted to watch the movie. So, I let them. Minnie loved it. Mickey said that movie scared him, because of Tom Green. That is fucking hilarious, I think.

Because of that movie, I cannot make sausage without singing, �Daddy would you like some sausage�. I have to say that the whole movie is as stupid as stupid can be, but whenever it�s on, I find myself watching it. A car wreck thing, I guess. Don�t get me wrong, I love me some stupid movies, but not that one.

Clearly, I�ve gone insane. My head has been infested with songs that won�t leave and I am obviously losing my mind. I�m taking you all with me, too.

Anyway, Jackie out. Ciao!

Listening to: Doesn't matter. "Love hurts the backwards man" is all I'm hearing.

Currently reading: How To Make A Banner That's Not Wicked Queer.

Thinking about: Eh. I gotta get off my ass and do some books. Yay!