22 December 2005 | 12:43 p.m.

"I'm erasing you and I'm happy!"

Mmmm�cold pizza for breakfast. Yum yum yum. We ended up having pizza for dinner at Nina and Jay�s last night�their treat, although a local pizza place had given them a credit for two free large pizzas so they only really had to fork up enough to buy another two pizzas and a sub for Nina, so that was cool. Anyway, every time they order pizza, they leave the leftovers on the counter and they just go bad. So, knowing that the pizza would be put to good use at our house, I grabbed it. Which really wasn�t what I wanted to write about, but now you know why I�m eating cold pizza this morning.

Also, I wasn�t going to write about the fact that I need to start losing some weight, but I am not going to make a New Year�s Resolution of it. In fact, I�m not making any New Year�s Resolutions, except for the resolution that I will not be making any resolutions. I made three of them this year and totally failed all three by January 10th. So, fuck that shit. I�m only going to lose weight because my clothes are getting uncomfortable, and I don�t have the money to buy more, or let the amount of clothes that I have go to waste.

I was also not going to write about how I finally figured out how to use the DVR that we got like two months ago and I am psyched as all hell about it. They�ve been showing �Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind� this month, and Hub and I have caught bits and pieces of It, enough to know we want to see more (more Mark Ruffalo for me, one of my new fake celeb boyfriends), but never from the beginning. So, last night while flipping through the guide at like 8:30, I saw that it was on at 9:00. Knowing full well that I wouldn�t stay up for the whole thing, I programmed it to record. Sure enough, I fell asleep within five minutes of the movie starting. But when I woke up at 4:30 this morning and couldn�t go back to sleep, I was able to watch it. Yay!

Also, I wasn�t going to write about when Hub and I were having a stupid spat the other day, right in the middle of our acting like a couple of two year olds, I started fucking laughing my head off because we were acting like Clementine and Joel in the movie, and it struck me as very funny. Hub thought so after I explained why I was laughing, although he didn�t appreciate it much when it was happening.

What I really want to write about, of course, is The Hilda Situation. Hub called her school principal yesterday and got the REAL story from her (I think the principal is a woman, although I�m not so sure, but for the sake of the story I�ll say it is), including a Fun Fact that Shauna Is not aware of right now, but will be very soon. And with any luck, the neglectful, slave driving, raisin-toothed, hitting-every-branch-of-the-ugly-tree-on-the-way-down bitch will at least get SOME of what�s coming to her. But, let�s not get our hopes up just yet, mmmkay?

Yes, Hilda was caught skipping class. Not because she was on X, though, but good point about not wanting to be in class while rolling, , Gump . I never really got into school when I was tripping on acid (which is the closest thing I�ve ever taken to X), either. As a matter of fact, there was no ecstasy involved, one of a few interesting developments.

The principal told Hub that Hilda was caught with a baggie full of several different prescription meds. As far as the pentagon pills, all I can say is that Nina is positive that there IS a prescription med that looks like a pentagon, she thinks it�s something like Xanax, but not. And, the principal said that her story about �I was holding it for a friend� actually checks out. Who knew!

(A slight digression for a moment. When my friend Smokey lived at home with his mom, his youngest sister was about 13. One night, Smokey came home all trashed and let their dog out of It�s kennel. He played with the dog and then passed out before putting her back into the kennel. The dog ran wild all over the house all night. His sister had made a project for school, one of those toothpick and marshmallow contraptions. The dog ate the marshmallows and therefore destroyed the project. When he told me the story, I fucking died laughing. I said, �Dude, you realize that your sister had to go to school the next day and tell her teacher that the dog ate her homework! And it�s fucking true!�. So, I guess, sometimes, the clich� lies are actually true. Except, you CAN get pregnant from doing it the first time. And while standing up).

Well, in seems that the reason why the police weren�t contacted about this is because upon investigating the story, the principal found out from other students that Hilda is very troubled, and has been cutting herself. She�s a cutter. I am not surprised at all.

Anyway. The school is concerned for her well being, and somehow is under the impression that her mother Is not doing anything about her problems. I don�t know what their basis for this Information is, as I did not speak to this woman myself and I have to rely on Hub�s version. Not always the most detail oriented version, but it�s all I�ve got right now.

I don�t know if she knew before, but Hub did explain that we had Hilda in counseling and then Shauna went and cancelled all her appointments. And that fucking douchebag has had a different story why she did every time Hub asks her. The other night, she said that it was because their insurance changed and she had to change the counselor to one closer to them. And oh, she is still in counseling. Yesterday, it was that she could only have 12 visits with the one we had set her up with. And, it turns out, that she does in fact have Hilda signed up with a new counselor. THAT SHE JUST FUCKING SET HER UP WITH AFTER THE SHIT JUST HIT THE FAN. Hilda�s *first* appointment is next Wednesday. I still believe that the real reason she cancelled those appointments is because Shauna has something to hide.

And hopefully now, whatever she has to hide will come out, because the school is so concerned, that they have contacted DCYF and they will be involved. The school believes that Shauna knows about Hilda�s troubles and is not doing anything about it. There�s a shocker, ey? Anyway, that�s the fun fact that Shauna is not aware of. Yet. She will be soon enough. Merry Fucking Christmas, bitch.

Hub thinks that the whole reason she wanted Hilda back two years ago was because she didn�t want to pay child support for the two of them. I think there�s some merit to that, but more so, I think she needed a babysitter and a housekeeper, too. She does treat Hilda like a slave, �do the dishes or you�re grounded� kind of shit. At least from what Hilda says, even though she is just as full of shit as her mother is. Actually, I got that juicy nugget from some of Hilda�s notes to her friends. She�d left her purse here the last time she visited, and of course I took a peek. You would too so shut up. I�d respect her privacy if she was normal, but she�s not, so I had to peek. I had no choice in the matter. ;)

Anyway, Hub does realize that he hasn�t been the best father. He thinks he needs to take her more, and as much as she drives me nuts, I agree and will resolve myself to the fact that she will be here more. I�m also opening myself up to the possibility that she may move back here. Obviously, living with her mother isn�t doing her any good. He�s also ready to fix this, or give it his best try. He talked to Hilda last night and she actually gave him the name of the girl who gave her the pills, whereas her mother couldn�t get that Information form her (or didn�t want to is more like it).

She�s obviously doing this for the attention. She did tell Beavis a while ago that she cuts herself, Only she swore him to secrecy so he didn�t tell us. Yeah, well, I told him please don�t keep that kind of secret. And I�m not trying to diss why she�s doing this. She NEEDS the attention. The girl is starved for love and affection and will do whatever it takes to get it. That�s the number one reason why I think she�ll get pregnant young. She is going to do whatever it takes for a boy to like her. And her fucking mother can�t see it, and then gives her shit for having condoms? Fucking winner.

Anyway. I hate to just cut this short, but it�s getting late and I have to head out and do some shit. Hooray.

Have a lovely frickin� day! Ciao!

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