27 February 2006 | 11:31 a.m.

"Ooh, great job man! I really thought you were retarded. I mean, you're better than that Corky kid and he's actually retarded. If there was a retarded Oscar you would win, hands down, kick his ass! "

Oh goody folks, it�s school vacation week. I am so thrilled, I could just shit. It�s not so much the little kids that are the problem, it�s the big ones. What a humungous pain in the ass they are.

Beavis has been coming up from his cave momentarily all weekend just to aggravate the kids and me. I want to rip his throat out, honestly. He acts like he�s 9.

Butthead is just annoying with that fucking mouth and ASSHOLE I�m sorry your truck isn�t on the road but you can�t take my van every time you have the urge. Because remember the last time I let you take the van? For a ten minute ride that turned into an hour, and you rode around with the engine blaring hot? So hot that when I got in it fifteen minutes later, I couldn�t even get it down the street? And you never said shit about it, like �gee the engine was almost on fire and that red light was going nuts maybe we should put some more anti-freeze in it now and let it cool down�. So, fuck off. Besides, you haven�t helped pay for your auto insurance so eat shit, too.

Supposedly he and his �gee-eff� broke up, but he�s always with her. ???? How is that broken up? He went over her house Saturday and she made him leave because he won�t get back together with her. Not together? Then last night, after the whole, �I�m 17, all we do is fight and I don�t see the point� speech he gave me, Beavis and Hub, she came over. How is that broken up?

Hub told me, �The kids now are different than when we were kids�. YAH. So much has changed in 15-20 years. Not. Know what I think is different? Girls show their tits way more than we did and it�s more acceptable to be gay or bi now. That�s it. Besides that, at least at my high school, we fucked like bunnies and probably the whole damn school had sexual contact with everyone else (because when you have unprotected sex with someone, you�re having unprotected sex with everyone that they did. And we didn�t listen to that shit most of the time! Shit, I wasn�t a virgin for over a year before we found out that straight people could get HIV).

Yeah, so Saturday it snowed. That was kind of a suck. Too bad we wasted all week waiting on the loan that�d never happen. Anyway, so Hub decided to try his truck. Now, remember this thing was off the road because of the transmission, but also because of a wheel that was coming off. That he had fixed last month. So, in an act of pure genius, he went out and got lug nuts and put them on the wheel. I�m telling you, the man is brilliant. Lug nuts to keep a wheel on the truck. Gee, and I�m always calling him a retard.

Anyway, it didn�t take long for the truck to die. First, he lost reverse, and eventually, everything else. It�s currently sitting in front of a customer�s house. Anyway, the Town of Litchfield let him use one of their trucks to plow the town, and he shoveled everyone else out yesterday morning.

It was very stressful knowing that the snow was coming down and we had contracts to honor and there wasn�t much we could do. It would have been nice if Hub had a back-up plan, but that would make sense and God forbid we do anything that makes fucking sense.

I�m up and down, do I want to keep this business running or throw in the towel and just suck it up and go back to work? Hub still thinks he wants to keep the business going. I think he�s going to need to be hit right on the head with it like a blunt force trauma.

My pet project throughout this week is to look at the books and see what the business owes and exactly how feasible it would be to continue. Personally, I think he should just work for himself, as a sole proprietor, and that would continue to be �lucrative� enough to make a decent living, and cover only him for worker�s comp and liability. Fuck having employees. That�s almost all we spent money on last year, payroll and insurance.

But he�s so stupid and blind, all he can say is, �Well, if I can�t have help then I can�t do my job�, um, yes you can. You just take on less work. Trust me, I can widdle his customer list right down to a manageable amount. Get rid of the slow payers and the bitches. Bye bye!

Anyway, I thought of all this Saturday while it was snowing, and I thought, well, if the ceiling comes crashing down on the business, then I�ll take it as a sign. I wish he�d wake the fuck up. He�s got a great work effort but he just won�t wake up and see that we don�t have what it takes to be like the other landscaping companies around with their fleets of trucks and tons of employees. I certainly don�t have the business sense nor the motivation to do that, and he has no clue.

He had some fucking attitude with me this weekend, and I know it was truck related. I got my van back Friday (YAY! For the low, low cost of $921.00!) and I think he resented that, and the $$$ it took to fix it. The last time I put any kind of cash into that van, aside from oil changes and inspections, was last spring when we put four tires on it for the low, low price of $250.

As a slight digression, let�s take a walk down memory lane and look at what the truck has cost us:

April 2004: $10,500. Purchase price
October 2004: $3800. Plow install
February 05: $1094 Ball joints, front axle joints, replace left axle
July 2005: $1900. New (er, �refurbished�) transmission installed
August 2005: $400 four new tires (that was a fucking steal, btw)
November 2005: $505 Something to do with u-joints
December 2005: $300 Replace right side front axle
2005: $639.08 Misc shit mostly involving oil & brakes and not a complete list (I didn�t count anything that was less than $50)

Total cost of repairs and maintenance not including purchase price and is not a complete amount anyway: $8638.08.

In less than 2 years, that truck has cost in excess of $19,138.08. And he has had a bug up his ass about the whopping $1171 we�ve had to put into the van that I bought three years ago.

Fuck off. The $921 that went to the van could only have been better spent on bills. It would not have saved the truck. Period.

But Saturday morning, it was all attitude to me because of the impending snow. I had to tell him, �Look, I did not break your truck nor am I making it snow, so stop the fucking attitude towards me�. Ass. He had no response.

Nah, instead, he came home yesterday with an attitude towards me, too. Fuck off. AND eat shit, like your kid. Today, he�s out seeing what Ford Motor Credit can do for us. Maybe if he can get that 2006 F350, it will last a year or two before he destroys that, too.

I drowned my sorrows in rum this weekend. Bad idea. Remember on Saturday Night live in the early 90�s, the commercials for �Bad Idea� jeans? This weekend was a Bad Idea weekend.

This is part of what I posted on myspace yesterday:

� Five reasons why I need to stay away from the rum:

1) Ponytail dipped in candle wax. Don�t even ask. At least it didn�t catch fire.
2) Chased the teenagers around with a butter knife full of Marshmallow Fluff, eventually smeared it into Beavis�s hair.
3) Hit Butthead with the almost full half gallon (plastic!) of rum. Repeatedly.
4) Sledding drunk. Doesn�t hurt too much when feeling no pain, sure does once I am. Nice bruises.
5) This fucking hangover.�

I still have like 3/4s of that half gallon left, too. From now on, I stick with my Michelob Ultras. And Jager. And 7&7�s when we go out. No more rum for this chick. And, um, yeah, #1. It was about the funniest and the dumbest thing I�ve ever done in my life, second only to spraying spray paint directly in my face (I was sober that time, making it the stupidest thing I�ve ever done).

I�m still trying to give away that 14 year old. (I have to admit, it was fun as hell terrorizing him and Butthead with the Fluff. You�d have thought I had a gun). Now, it�s let�s stress out about how Beavis is going to get out to Marc�s in Fremont/Kingston/Brentwood wherever the hell it is that he lives. He wants me to drive him out there tomorrow night after his PT at 4:30. Yeah, so that would get me home around 7:00, if all I do is drop him off and come right home. And then I have to get him back for Thursday�s PT?

Meanwhile, my shit disappears left and right and he barely cleans up after himself. And he wants me to go out of my way to take him to his friend�s. Plus? His ass fucking stinks. All he does it fart and it�s brutal.

Now, how can you not want to take on an opportunity like that?

Finally, mucho props to Jess and Dawn . You girls rule, you know why. Thank you! =)

Jackie out.

Oh yeah, an update on the diary-X situation here. Shut down and that's that. Again, OUCH.

Listening to: Lazy Town. I swear, they only made three episodes of this show.

Currently reading: "Solomon Vs. Lord" Paul Levine.

Thinking about: School vacation SUCKS. Except when it's my vacation. =)