18 April 2006 | 9:40 a.m.

"In the fifth, my ass goes down"

Happy Belated Easter. Mine went well. We ended up with more people than expected (I kept calling it �The Easter for Wayward Wanderers�) but had a good time with minimal damage to the house. As a matter mcfact, it�s still clean. Amazing.

Beavis got a bite of some kind on his leg and it is out of control. One of his friends said that someone he knows (my friend�s uncle�s cousin�s housekeeper�s kid, one of those things) had a bite like that and it ended up being that a spider laid it�s eggs inside the bite and hatched out baby spiders.

He was telling me the story and all I could think of was the getting maggots in your tongue from licking envelopes bullshit. That�s not true, btw, in case you didn�t know. I should look it up on Snopes but I�ve got too much to do right now, like update this thing.

Anyway, I just made an appointment for him with my least favorite doctor in the pediatrician�s office because she�s the only one in today. Yay. Maybe she can hatch the eggs early. I could bring an empty coffee can and we could raise the babies as our own, and then send them off into the world to lay more eggs in people.

Hub got a new magnetic sign for the truck:

I had to blur out the phone number. I can�t have you people calling me. As it is, I got this group of fucking crazies from dland calling me on my cell phone on Friday and they�re expecting a bunch of goddamned expletives from me. Fucking profanity!

Anyway, with the sign came, at last count, eight requests for jobs, all hardscape (ie; walls, walks, patios, stairs, etc). That was in one day. Not bad. At all. We need the money! OMG. Worker�s Comp is up for renewal, and we are out of the �assigned risk� pool and into voluntary, and we got a new policy for $500 cheaper than last year. Woo hoo. The $500 we saved goes to the liability insurance, which went up with the new truck purchase.


The biggest news is Hilda. Poor Hilda. Her mother is just�I don�t know. Stupid. She�s cracking down on her for the weirdest stuff, trying to act like a caring, concerned mother, but yet she�s not in counseling anymore. Girlie girl needs it!

Anyway, she�s been wanting to come here every weekend now. She told me that she got invited to her 8th grade semi-formal, but can�t go cuz her mom won�t buy her a dress. WTF? And here I am, trying to get Beavis just to GO to his. My dance at their age was the 9th Grade Dinner Dance (since we were in junior high through 9th grade and then off to the high school), and I had a dress bought, and a date, even, and then I got grounded and couldn�t go.

So, anyway. Then Saturday, Wayne and Caroline had a little party at their house for Caroline�s birthday. Beavis was in town with Shawn and then they came over with this other buddy Alex. Alex is part Spanish, very cute, with olive toned skin, black hair and the bluest eyes ever. But, evidently, kind of a troublemaker. Whatever, he�s not in a fucking gang which is the hip new thing to do now in Nashua.

So, Alex ended up asking Hilda �out�. You know, they�re 14, so it�s like �Oh, we�re going out�, but not going anywhere. Whatever, it�s kind of cute, and it�s not like they�re actually going to be hanging out together, since he�s in Nashua and Hilda never does the town with the boys.

Well, then Butthead gave Hilda a ride home and told their mom, Heil Shauna, about Hilda�s new boyfriend and made sure to tell them he�s Mexican. Well, I don�t know if I wrote about it, but this is a big thing right now with Shauna, she has forbidden Hilda to have Spanish or black or anything other than a white boyfriend.

You know what she�s doing right? She�s pretty much ensuring that she has some Hispanic grandbabies, IMO. Which, whatever, is how I look at it.

So, Shauna gave Hilda a rash of shit and told her that if the only reason she�s coming here is to see her Mexican boyfriend, then she can�t come here at all. I�ve totally picked up on the fact that Hilda wants to come here, boyfriend or not, to get away from the shit at home.

She called me yesterday to tell me that she needs to do something, she hates that her mom and step-dad are so racist and they dictate who can be her boyfriend based on skin color.

(Oh! And then she said Butthead said, �If he touches you, I�ll kill him�. Butthead, for one, doesn�t even fucking know the kid, just knows he has some Spanish in him and that�s all he needs to know. Funny how when her boyfriend is a nice little white boy named �Brandon� or �Jacob� then there�s no problem, but mention the Spanish and all of a sudden it�s a problem).

So, big shock here, Hilda wants to move in with us. She said to me yesterday, �My dad was right about my mom�. He was. He knows that Nazi douchebag all too well.

The Mexican thing cracks me up. Shauna is about as white fucking trash as they get. Right up to the rotted out teeth. But, she thinks she�s better than Spanish people. Whatever. I hope you enjoy your Mexican/Puerto Rican/Colombian/Ecuadorian/Honduran/African grandbabies. I know I will!

Anyway. So, yes, as much as I have bitched and complained about Hilda in the past, yes, I am considering having her back. Hub is more adverse to it than I am (he said, �She can�t keep going back and forth!�, to which I say, she�s known nothing more all her life. She�s been back and forth, and she knows that we will do more for her, and ask less of her, than her mom does). However. It wouldn�t be today, since there�s two months of school left. Plus we have to get past the Shauna thing. The controlling Nazi douche.

I just think there�s still time to help the girl, and her mom�s not doing it. If she stays there. It�s gonna be even uglier.

But, I have to go. Gotta go pay the insurance guy, and get Beavis for his appointment. Baby spiders! Yay!


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