25 April 2006 | 8:37 a.m.

"oh boy we are the biggest wacked out pyschos in the whole world"

My weekend was, um, interesting to say the least. It started Friday and didn;t end until yesterday.

Friday. I was suppposed to pick up Hilda from her mom's in Milford in the afternoon, but they had some kind of petty falling out over a GameBoy and Hilda had to stay at her house until Shauna and her husband got home so they could ream her out.

So, by the time they gave her walking papers, it was late, and Hub went to get her late. Seems as though Shauna has gone form "no she can't live with you" to "we want her out now". Evidently, Step-Daddy just can't stand her anymore and wants her out. Seems as though she does horrific things to them like eating candy bars and drinking "their" pepsi.

I suppose the one legitimate bitch they have is that she smokes. That's not such a good thing. However. Shauna smokes like a chimney, as does Step-Daddy. I think I've written about this before.

For the record, she's been here since Friday night and hasn't smoked at all. That I know of, of course, but she hasn't been too far out of our sight much.

Anyway, she's not moving in yet, officially, Hub would like her to finish out the school year at home at least. Which probably won't happen.

So. Then yesterday Hub and I had one of our "oh boy we are the biggest wacked out pyschos in the whole world" fights. First thing in the AM. Over money, and the same thing I bitch about him doing all the time, spending large amounts out of the business checking without giving me a heads up...you know, so I don't go and spend the same money on something crazy like, I don't know, insurance or the truck payment or something. I'm so sick of his treating a checking account like it's a bottomless pit of money.

Anyway. He got all bent like the retard he is and broke the fucking sink. He broke the sink! He threw his coffee mug (from the Dollar Tree, no less, they must still use lead, I swear) down into the sink and tore a hole in it like it was a piece of tin foil.

Bonehead. I had left before I could notice that. Fortunately I'd told Pat, Nina's mom, that I'd give her a ride to the hospital for an appointment.

I stayed away for about four hours? Blissfully unaware that my retarded husband was busy trying to replace the sink. When I walked in, shit was everywhere and then Beavis explained what happened.

Anyway. He replaced the sink. The right way, even. Oh, and, he'd cut his finger but good with his whole little fit. Blood everywhere, looked like a murder scene. Well, maybe not that bad.

By the end of the day, I had some roses and a laptop computer. Which wasn't really necessary at all. I would have been happy to just be pissed at him for a few more hours. Or days. I've been wanting a laptop, mostly so it would be just mine, but not so bad that I couldn't wait for it for a while.

Best part of the day? After he gave me the laptop and was checking his cell phone voice mail and this message came up from his buddy Vinny:, "Hey Retard. Are you sure you measured that yard out right? Where the fuck did you get those numbers from, idiot?". I heart Vinny.

Anyway. I have no time for this shit and I can't even believe that I've written this much.

I've got this great voicemail from Vicki and Smed , since their call came in the midst of Hilda's arrival on Friday evening. The VM is saved, Vicki, and will be used against you. ;)

Anyway, for real, I got shit to do. Once I figure out how to get the laptop on the internet (oh we got a wireless router with 700 ft of reception, WHOO!), it's all over. I'll be a constant presence online.

I'm out.

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