21 August 2006 | 10:08 a.m.

Yay. Monday.

Why is it that since making a hardcore decision to myself that I�m through with my marriage for sure, the spousal unit decides that he wants to be Mr. Lovey Fucking Dovey? WTF? All kisses and hugs and shit. Snuggling up to me at night when, honestly, I�d rather not be touched. He must sense something.

Anyway. What better way to forget my problems than to have yet another rockin� weekend. I have to admit, as much as life has sucked major balls this year, the partying this summer has been fucking awesome.

This weekend was Hudson�s Old Home Days, a fair type deal. Nothing I should really be spending money on, really, but this is like tradition and we�ve been going there every year since long before I lived in the Hud. Now that I�m a resident (for four years already, where does the time go?), it�s like the law.

Anyway, so we had plans to go and since Hub wasn�t doing anything and we had his frickin� misbehaved little shit daughter, I asked him to go with.

Except! At the last minute Helen called and asked if she could have Daisy back because some of her friends wanted to take her to Six Flags. YES, take her! I had her dropped off in ten minutes. My last summer week with Daisy, EVER. Fuckin� A. That makes me happy. (Also, on the same subject, I told Hub that if I do get a position that�s M-F 8-5, I will not be spending my weekends saddled down with all three kids. Period. He said, �Yeah, a lot of things are going to change�. Yeah. You don�t even know the half of it. As far as kids go, my babysitting days are pretty much OVER. Tuit fini. That includes his kids, too).

Anyway, so we went to Old Home Days, down a kid, YAY, and met Caroline and Wayne and their kids there. This year�s trip was made even better by the BEER TENT. Yay! We had lunch in there with the kids and after two beers, I was all about wandering around putting the kids on rides.

Caroline and I left the kids with the guys and hit the gypsy tent and she had her cards read, I had my palm read. I know, I called them gypsies but the two of them, a mother and daughter, have been around the area for years and years and have good reputations.

That shit always weirds me out. Not having seen me with kids at any point, she was able to tell me that I was meant to be the mother of two, at most three kids. Ding ding. She also knew I�d been through a major disappointment lately, and advised me that I need to forgive and forget. True that. She asked if I�d applied for anything recently, she could see my financial situation improving next month. She also could see someone in my life with an �R� name very close to me. Which fits no one I know, except maybe Robert but, um, no? Also, romance returns to my life this fall or winter. No doubt that would have nothing to do with Hub, because that�s done. Romance with Hub, ha ha.

Anyway. We had a good afternoon all in all. We stopped by Dave and Debbie�s new house on the way home and happened to get there in time for pizza! They got a great new house about a five minute ride from here. Of course, poor Debbie has been going through hell closing on it, and her mortgage sounds �questionable� at best. One of those where your payment stays a certain amount for three years and then changes. Whatever. After seeing her go through all these problems just trying to buy a house, I�m all set. I know I won�t be able to buy a house until I�m old and my kids are grown anyway.

We took the kids to Caroline and Wayne�s to be babysat by her oldest daughter, and headed to the club with Robert and Rhonda. It was Robert�s birthday Saturday, and that usually means it�s time to get shitty. Which is, of course, exactly what happened.

Another blast form the past was there, as always. An old friend named Joey. Fuckin� A, does he look good. He always has, though. He was my ex-boyfriend Sean�s best friend back in the day. He kept calling me my old nickname form back then (no, not JackMe), �Magulla�.

I know, what a fucking name, huh? Another friend Scottie was calling me that all the time back then, and one day I finally asked, �Why do you keep calling me that?!?� and he said, �Isn�t that your last name?�. Ha! Not even close. However, after that moment, I became Magulla to all of our friends. Only a handful of people would still call me that now, including Scottie.

So, all night, he kept calling me Magulla. I had no problem with that whatsoever.

Ha, Joey. What a guy. So great to see him. And he�s a member of the club! All the times I�ve been there, I�ve never seen him there.

Anyway. Then my friend Gina from the credit union and her husband Joe showed up. We sat with them for a few. Joe is one of those guys that Hub likes to impress so he was talking about the business like it�s still running. (A little backstory: last week he actually acknowledged the fact that we need to do something about the truck, since he knows we can�t afford it. So we talked about selling it to avoid repo. Especially now since they denied the extension). He started telling Joe how he was going to pay someone to put in the truck to plow this winter. ??? Hello, retard. So, I leaned over to Gina and said, �I cannot listen to one more word that�s coming out of his fucking mouth. I have to get away from him�. So, we went and sat back at the table we were originally at and I gave her a little scoopage on everything.

She told me that the credit union is looking for someone, and I�d start at $13/hr the lowest, so I�m considering going down and talking to someone down there. However, I wonder if the late payment situation will affect possible employment? Who knows. My life sucks.

Anyway, we had a great time at the club and by the time we left at 11:00, Robert was drooling so he had a good birthday. We went to their house and smoked a blunt and drank a few more beers before we passed out in their camper.

Yesterday we went out to breakfast with Caroline and Wayne and then got the kids and headed home. I spent the day going through my closet which is full, full, full of work clothes. Between the massive amount of clothes I�d bought when I lost weight, and stuff that Linda has given me (her old stuff and then birthday presents and such), the one thing that I do not have to worry about going back to work is clothes. That�s exciting. I�ve always had to scramble for clothes when I�ve gone back to work in the past. At least my life doesn�t suck that much. Anyway, I�m still washing stuff since it hasn�t been worn in forever and is all dusty and shit.

Anyway. Today finds me stressing out once again about money, of which we have none. More problems arising due to the business and I don�t know exactly how much more I can take.

But, I can�t get into it right now. Beavis has an appointment with his med lady at 11:00 and that should be a blast considering he hasn�t taken his meds in months and I�m ready to say fuck it anyway. Besides, I can�t afford the co-pay for his script anyway.

Ugh. Shoot me now, please.

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