2005-12-08 | 10:06 p.m.

full circle with a chickpea

Well look at this... It's Miss Pea stepping in for an entry. You may or may not read me. I have a decent amount of smut on my page, but this isn't my page, so no sex for you!

I was reading Mama Jackie's earlier entry today about how John Lennon died 25 years ago today and all I could think was "damn, I was in 3 months utero when that happened." It's true, I was a fetus. Or is it embryo at that point? I never remember to biological order of zygote, embryo, fetus, etc. Maybe I just got the right order. Point being, I was in utero when John Lennon was killed.

Speaking of influencial musicians and the uterus... "In Utero" is a Nirvana album. An album I was banished from listening to when I was a wee teen. Those were the musical days, man. The grunge movement swept through and changed my style, yes it did.

But this isn't about me. No no no! This is about the fabulous Dukkha-Tahna who wows us all with her raw and gritty words about her own fetal folk. This is a woman who loves her kids more than most people do, has an eye for photography (check out her flickr page), and somehow manages to balance multiple children and a business. She's funny and immature about some things but she sticks to her rules and guidelines and disciplines those kids.

More parents need to be like Jackie.

I hope I'm half the mom she is when I decide to pop out spawn of my own in the not too distant future. That would require a steady male in my life and a lot more sex than I'm currently receiving. I could totally rock some booty at this point too.

Fuck. I talked about sex. Well I guess I kissed enough ass so it's only natural that I change subjects entirely and do what I wasn't going to do and that was talk about sex. I wasn't going to ramble on and on either. Clearly I am failing miserably.

I can't help it! I clicked the designed by Lex link on here and it linked to porn! PORN! The explanation is that Lex Designs turned into ms-dicks.com and then Lex forgot to renew her domain name or perhaps retired and some porno site stole it. But it's still porn and only I could try and write a vanilla entry, click a link that seemed innocent, and get tits and dick.

But tits and dick lead to sex. Sex leads to pregnancy. Pregnancy equals fetus and I was a fetus 25 years ago today when John Lennon was shot.

It's the circle of life, folks.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

Love and kisses,
Miss Pea

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